The Inner Game of Music > Leitura essencial para os músicos

Acabei de ler por recomendação da Beatriz Roman. Um alento para todos aqueles como eu, criados no rigor da música erudita!

The Inner Game of Music By Barry Green and Timothy Gallwey

The Inner Game of music is that which takes place in the mind, played against such elusive opponents as nervousness, self doubt, and fear of failure. Using the same principles of “natural learning” Timothy Gallwey developed so successfully for tennis, golf and skiing and applying them to his own field, noted musician Barry Green shows how to acknowledge and overcome these internal obstacles in order to bring a new quality to the experience and learning of music. And for those who don’t play an instrument but who feel their appreciation of music will be enhanced if they understand more about the process of playing, this book is Ideal.
In precise, easy to understand language, Green and Gallwey explain how natural skills can be nurtured and enhanced, and through a series of special exercises they demonstrate the ways in which musicians can achieve exact intonation, artistic phrasing, and improved technique.
There are also chapters on ensemble playing, improvisation, composition and creativity, and listening skills – an essential part of the Inner Game – are discussed throughout.

A methodology with a proven track record, The Inner Game of Music will be invaluable to anyone seriously interested in music, whether professional or amateur, composer,performer, or simply an appreciative listener.

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